Sawka Shop: Killer Tunes. Pro Sound Packs.
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KJ’s 4th album ‘Unity of Purpose’ is riddled with his live drum breaks and other live instrumentation from years of world influence. Starting with the epic ‘Prelude’, a orchestral collaboration with Jason Camiolo who writes the majority of amazing music on the worldwide ‘history channel’ sets a dark and melodic pace. Next, the long awaited, ‘Face Crack’. A crushing dubstep/ metal rock tune featuring KJ’s brother Keith Sawka on guitar adding a live rock feel to the dubstep bombs intended to ‘crack some faces’ on the dance floor. ‘Running Away’ a melodic drum n bass stemmer features the dark and beautifully crafted vocals of worldwide artist Emilia Sosa. ’The Time Has Come’ a drum- step smasher with influence of KJ’s group Destroid delivers that alien bass cannon sound at high speeds. Lastly, ‘Monster,’ another drumstep mover goes deeper into more musical vibes traveling away from the dance floor a bit and entering melodic chill side.

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